

Two More Years bar






英國酒吧閣樓地板突坍塌! 民眾如「自由落體」重摔墜地 編輯 周子馨 報導 發佈時間:2022/02/13 17:28 最後更新時間:2022/02/13 17:28 click click community click click community 小 中 大 酒吧現場一片狼籍,警方拉起封鎖線。(圖/翻攝自Heart London News 推特 @HeartLondonNews) 英國酒吧閣樓地板突坍塌! 民眾如「自由落體」重摔墜地 酒吧現場一片狼籍,警方拉起封鎖線。(圖/翻攝自Heart London News 推特 @HeartLondonNews) 英國倫敦一家酒吧「Two More Years」12日下午驚傳坍塌事故,酒吧的閣樓區地板突然塌陷,導致當時在內的民眾像「自由落體」般摔落地面,造成至少13人輕重傷。 倫敦警方前往事故現場調查。(圖/翻攝自NewsOnePlace.com 推特 @newsoneplace) 英國酒吧閣樓地板突坍塌! 民眾如「自由落體」重摔墜地倫敦警方前往事故現場調查。(圖/翻攝自NewsOnePlace.com 推特 @newsoneplace) 根據《英國廣播公司》(BBC)報導,這起意外事故發生在東倫敦哈克尼維克 (Hackney Wick) 當地下午4點多。據倫敦當地緊急救援人員說法,相關人員在4點50分左右接獲通報,稱Two More Years酒吧發生坍塌意外,於是緊急派出搜救部隊與醫護人員到場協助,並在現場救出7名受困民眾。據悉,目前已知有3人重傷,10人輕傷,所有人員均已脫困。 當時正好坐在閣樓區座位的顧客哈爾(Hal)表示,「當時我聽到一陣轟隆隆、有點像地震的聲音」,下一秒地板就忽然坍塌,「完全沒辦法反應過來就直接掉了下去」,所幸最後幸運逃出,身上只受到一些輕微的擦傷。 事故現場照片可見,閣樓地板嚴重坍塌。(圖/翻攝自Diane Abbott MP 推特 @HackneyAbbott) 英國酒吧閣樓地板突坍塌! 民眾如「自由落體」重摔墜地事故現場照片可見,閣樓地板嚴重坍塌。(圖/翻攝自Diane Abbott MP 推特 @HackneyAbbott) 另一名酒吧內的目擊者則指出,「閣樓區一開始發出了像斷裂的噪音,然後我看到有灰塵掉下來,於是我和朋友們立刻跑到另一邊,沒想到幾秒後,它(閣樓地板)就整個砸下來了!」他表示,幸好當時沒有很多人坐在閣樓區下方的座位,否則恐怕會釀成更嚴重的傷亡事件。 倫敦救護車服務中心戰略指揮官喬丹(Brian Jordan)表示,這起倒塌意外被視為「重大事故」,相關部門還出動空中救援部隊前往現場支援。事發酒吧不久後也在社群平台上證實該起事故,並慶幸並未造成人員嚴重傷亡,宣布將暫時停止營業。

詳細報導請見: news.tvbs.com.tw/world/1714573?from=Copy_content


13 people injured after floor collapses at London’s Two More Years bar

Thirteen people were injured Saturday when a London bar’s mezzanine floor collapsed “in a matter of seconds” in an incident that sounded “like an earthquake,” according to authorities and reports.

Emergency responders were called to the scene at Two More Years bar in the Hackney Wick neighborhood in east London at 4:44 p.m. local time, London Ambulance Services announced on Twitter.

“We declared a major incident and dispatched a number of resources to the scene,” said London Ambulance Service strategic commander Brian Jordan in a press release.

Medics treated 13 people, three of whom suffered potentially serious injuries and 10 with minor injuries, according to the service. Authorities said four of the injured were rushed to local hospitals, and about 50 bar patrons left the building before emergency responders arrived at the scene.

It was unclear from initial reports what caused the mezzanine floor to collapse.

Witnesses said the floor caving in came without warning.

“There was just this sort of cracking sort of noise and dust started coming down,” a man who was at the bar told Sky News.

Emergency services outside the Two More Years bar and restaurant studios at Fish Island, Hackney Wick, east London
The bar, named for the amount of time on its lease, is soon set to be redeveloped.
© PA Wire via ZUMA Press

“Me and my friend just ran to the side and the whole thing just came down in a matter of seconds.”

Hal — a mental health worker and therapist who was on the mezzanine floor when it collapsed — told the BBC about the “rumbling” he heard before the collapse.

“It sounded like a rumbling — a bit like an earthquake. You can’t be prepared for anything like this,” he said. Hal told the outlet he avoided any major injuries.

“Thankfully I was able to heave myself out,” he said. “We all helped each other out.”

Police disperse large numbers of street drinkers in Hackney Wick, east London.
Medics treated 13 people at the scene of the accident.
© Marcin Nowak/London News Pictures via ZUMA Wire

LFB station commander Sacha Clement, who was at the scene, told Sky News that “firefighters carried out a systematic search of the building and rescued seven people from inside.

“They were trapped on the remaining part of the mezzanine floor and crews used a ladder to bridge between the floor and the internal staircase to get them safely out of the building,” Clement added. “We are working with our emergency services partners, and a number of people have been treated at the scene and taken to hospital.”

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