

神父殺人事件-Death of Irene Garza









Death of Irene Garza

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Death of Irene Garza
Irene Garza family photo.jpg
DateApril 1960
LocationMcAllen, Texas
Arrest(s)Former priest John Feit, 2016
SentenceLife imprisonment
Irene Garza (November 15, 1934 – April 1960) was a South Texas teacher and beauty queen whose death was the subject of investigation for several decades. Garza was last seen alive on April 16, 1960, when she went to confession at a church in McAllen, Texas. She was reported missing the following morning. Following the largest volunteer search to that date in the Rio Grande Valley, Garza's body was discovered in a canal on April 21. An autopsy concluded that she had been sexually assaulted before being killed; the cause of death was suffocation.
Father John Feit, the priest who heard Garza's last confession, was the only identified suspect in her death. Two clergymen, Dale Tacheny and Joseph O'Brien, came forward in 2002 to say that Feit had confessed to them shortly after the murder, but the Hidalgo County district attorney considered the evidence too weak to secure a conviction. The district attorney brought the case before a grand jury in 2004, but Feit, Tacheny and O'Brien were not subpoenaed, and Feit was not indicted.
The investigation into Garza's death was renewed in 2015 after a new district attorney took office in Hidalgo County. In February 2016, the 83-year-old Feit was arrested in Arizona in connection with Garza's death. He was later extradited to Texas. His murder trial began in late November 2017. On December 7, 2017, Feit was found guilty of her death and on December 8, 2017, he was sentenced to life in prison.
女師告解上教會…慘遭神父姦殺棄屍河邊 教會罩他逍遙度日圖翻攝自每日郵報 ID-1633411
案發在1960年,從事教職的艾琳(Irene Garza)不但有智慧,樣貌更是清秀可人,一雙水汪汪的大眼十分迷人。怎料某天她前往教會告解,卻一去不復返,她的父母在家裡守了一整夜,仍不見女兒回家,急得報警處理。在警方連夜的搜索下,最後在當地的河流發現一具衣衫不整、身上有多處瘀青的屍體,艾琳的父母看到這一幕嚇傻了,因為躺在那,冰冷的屍體正是養育多年的寶貝女兒。
女師告解上教會…慘遭神父姦殺棄屍河邊 教會罩他逍遙度日圖翻攝自每日郵報 ID-1633412

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