

人人都想殺了「騙人精」 - 安珀赫德 Amber Laura Heard



2012-13桃花,訂婚結婚...己丑傷官運的壬辰、癸巳年,2016年丙申年離婚。2018 戊戌年寫前夫家暴..2019刊出....被告。2022壬寅要宣判...沒看到破財...可是律師費花很大..偏印衝破偏才...不過走水運是官殺,被告剛好也符合跡象...



2010年,她與女友塔西亞·范·里(Tasya van Ree)一同出席同性戀者反詆毀聯盟(GLAAD)25週年紀念日,正式向大眾出櫃[6]公開其雙性戀的身份。


2021年4月8日,赫德的女兒翁納·佩姬·赫德(Oonagh Paige Heard)出生(藉由代理孕母)。[14]

2019年初,戴普起訴赫德誹謗,因為《華盛頓郵報》於2018年12月發表了一篇由赫德親自撰寫的關於她自2016年起被戴普家暴、成為家暴受害者經歷的文章。[15][16][17]戴普則聲稱赫德才是施虐者,她的指控是一場騙局。 2020年8月,赫德反訴戴普,聲稱他通過Twitter舉辦一場騷擾活動,並「通過」策劃請願活動,試圖讓她被《水行俠》劇組解僱。[18][19]2022年4月11日,弗吉尼亞州費爾法克斯縣巡迴法院開始審理戴普控訴赫德一案。[20]


 強尼戴普的律師班楚(Ben Chew)接著上台做出結辯,他承認強尼戴普或許是有酒精失控的問題,曾經口出穢言和發送羞辱性極強的簡訊,「他不是聖人,但絕不是施暴者。」他也強調:「相信和支持Me Too運動,但赫德小姐並不是受害者。」...

安柏·蘿拉·赫德(英語:Amber Laura Heard,1986年4月22日-),美國女演員。2008年在出演電影《菠蘿快車》後首次獲觀眾認可。2017年,赫德加入DC擴展宇宙,出演了《水行俠》和《正義聯盟》中的梅拉。自2018年起,她是巴黎歐萊雅品牌的全球代言人


  • 2022/05/26 17:53:33



好萊塢巨星強尼戴普(Johnny Depp)與前妻安珀赫德(Amber Heard)離婚後互告誹謗、傷害,雙方在法庭上多次來回攻防,開庭過程也全程直播,吸引全球關注,判決結果預計在27日出爐。最近有段法庭上的影片曝光,法官一宣布中場休息,安珀赫德沒有等法官離開就立刻起身,快步離開法庭,影片曝光引起網友批評「這很不尊重」。


強尼戴普律師卡蜜兒(Camille Vasquez)戰力十足,被網友封為「女戰神」。她18日對上安珀赫德進行交叉詰問,不但接連打斷安珀發言4次,對於她提出遭到家暴的證詞,卡蜜兒也拿出照片打臉。卡蜜兒還問安珀赫德,是否有將700萬美金(約2億台幣)的贍養費捐贈給慈善團體,安珀趕緊反駁,是因為遭到強尼戴普提告才無法捐款。對此,卡蜜兒直接打臉她「在提出承諾到被強尼戴普控告這段時間,妳有13個月的時間都沒有做捐款動作」,這讓安珀赫德當場愣住說不出話。


快訊/強尼戴普、安珀赫德進延長賽! 陪審團糾結3小時⋯最糟結果曝


好萊塢巨星強尼戴普(Johnny Depp)與前妻安珀赫德(Amber Heard)離婚後互控誹謗的官司,經過六週審判,27日展開最終結辯交付陪審團,最快台灣時間28日上午就會有答案。而在庭審最後,雙方律師皆做了一個舉動,讓法官佩妮阿茲卡拉(Penney Azcarate)笑說:「很高興終於有共識了。」






27日最終結辯從強尼戴普方開始,「聖光女律師」卡蜜兒(Camille Vasquez)率先上台,她強調:「這次的審判不單單是關乎一個人的名聲,還關乎一個人的性命,在他的冤屈平反時,他才能活下去。」更開酸安珀赫德:「赫德小姐在指控遭到家暴時哭泣不已,這是精心製作、誇張、荒謬的表演,是她人生中的代表作。」


強尼戴普的律師班楚(Ben Chew)接著上台做出結辯,他承認強尼戴普或許是有酒精失控的問題,曾經口出穢言和發送羞辱性極強的簡訊,「他不是聖人,但絕不是施暴者。」他也強調:「相信和支持Me Too運動,但赫德小姐並不是受害者。」


午休過後,輪到安珀赫德的律師班羅滕伯恩(Ben Rottenborn)。他表示,安珀赫德這段時間的證詞和證據,足以讓大家看清楚「真正的強尼戴普」是怎樣的人。班羅滕伯恩更強調,虐待不只是身體,還包括「情感虐待、心理虐待、經濟制裁、性虐待」。他也主張,安珀赫德就算在華盛頓郵報發表社論,那也是她受到美國憲法第一修正案保障的言論自由。


安珀赫德的律師伊蓮布萊德霍夫(Elaine Bredehoft),在最後階段為她結辯。她解釋,之所以沒有完成先前承諾捐給美國公民自由聯盟和洛杉磯兒童醫院共700萬美金(約台幣2億)的捐款,是因為安珀赫德在過去6年,花了超過600萬美金(約台幣1.8億)的律師費,正是因為強尼戴普提告,才讓安珀赫德無法完成捐款。



Johnny Depp v. Amber Heard: Birth charts reveal soulmates from hell
Kyle Thomas
May 20, 2022 7:23pm Updated
Johnny Depp and Amber Heard have astrological compatibility that shows they're soulmates from hell.


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At the present moment Johnny Depp and Amber Heard are in the darkest places of their entire lives. You didn’t need astrology to tell you that, but I will explain why.

Once in love, the ex-couple are now embroiled in an ugly trial as Depp’s defamation trial against his ex-wife has seemingly captivated the nation. A recent analysis from social media monitoring company NewsWhip shows Americans are more interested in the Depp v. Heard trial then they are in other current events such as news stories about inflation, abortion or the war in Ukraine.

I know a lot of people get off on seeing others reach a downfall and crash and burn, but I am not one of them. If you get off on this or that—be better. Get therapy. I fight for the good in myself, my relationships and in the integrity of humanity.

Sadly Depp, 58, and Heard, 36 suffered from an ill-fated attraction. One look at their birth charts and it’s easy to decipher that their lack of compatibility created this perfect storm.
Johnny Depp’s birth chart shows he’s drawn to wounded relationships

Johnny Depp was born on June 9, 1963. This makes him a feisty Gemini Sun with a meticulous Capricorn Moon. Johnny Depp is not inherently a bad human being. He does, however, have some tremendously chaotic alignments in his birth chart. In the future, I will do a breakdown about him—but for this particular article, I will highlight a few different things.Johnny Depp is a Gemini Sun and Amber Heard is a Taurus Sun.Dave Hogan/Getty Images


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First up, Depp has his Sun, ruling his life force, clashing with Chiron, the asteroid known as the Wounded Healer. This means that karmically he was brought into this life to heal himself and others through painful realizations and relationships. He has a tremendously deep resource of compassion and can guide and heal others, but he’s drawn to trauma and perpetuating situations that began in his upbringing. His upbringing was likely chaotic and his understanding of the world is one of tragedy, so he believes only the greatest loves and relationships are dark, macabre and eccentric—but they also contain levels of passion so deep, they illuminate our fears and desires.

To make matters more volatile in his birth chart, he has his Mars united with Uranus and Pluto. He is brilliant, revolutionary and transformative—but also is driven by explosive levels of emotion, passion and intensity. He is immensely forceful and dominant, but also chaotic on a level of submission, than laughter and play until he becomes a tyrant. This all goes back to his sense of lacking any stability whatsoever in his sense of personal self-love. He is also potentially unpredictable. He is inherently undoing to himself because he has never known kindness within himself, so his transition from being a king to a martyr happens without him even being aware.Holding hands as they arrived to the 9th Annual Johnny Ramone Tribute at Hollywood Forever on August 18, 2013 in Hollywood, California, it once seemed Heard and Depp would be together forever.Getty Images
Amber Heard’s birth chart shows she demands to find the truth

Amber Heard was born on April 22, 1986. This makes her a strong Taurus Sun with a partnership-focused Libra Moon. Amber Heard has a ton of fire to her, but she’s also so strong that she believes she cannot be broken.


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First off, the main theme that runs through her birth chart is that she can be prone to delusions—and she, like Depp, is drawn to relationships that are potentially karmic, destructive and transformative. Her Saturn, ruling life lessons, is in a sharp connection with her Chiron, the Wounded Healer, showing that she refuses to heal and consistently battles with authority and personal authority.

She, too, likely had an immensely difficult upbringing, especially around how emotions were exchanged and how to connect with trust and vulnerability. In her relationships Heard suppressed her emotions and made herself forget. Heard is a master of forgetting, remembering later on and then drumming of fantasies she thought happened because her past made her into a victim. She is a typhoon of fantasy, emotion and pain.

Unfortunately, just like Depp’s chart, matters get more challenging. Her Moon, ruling her emotions, links to Neptune, showing she has an enigmatic mystique to her—she is beyond imaginative and prone to deception of others and also self-deception. Her Mercury, which rules her eternal mind, clashes with Neptune, too, revealing that, yes, she’s artistic, but she’s also focused on over-glamorizing her thoughts, emotions and visions of the world.Once karmic connections are now embroiled in what some may consider as the trial of the century.POOL/AFP via Getty Images
Are Johnny Deep and Amber Heard astrologically compatible?

Were the planets involved in drawing them together? Yes, of course. Their attraction is very strong. But let’s be real: they’re shrouded in one of the most toxic public scandals in the press now. So no, hell no, they are not ultimately astrologically compatible. When peering into Depp and Heard’s rapport, the greatest things they have in common are a tremendous desire for sex and money. They are also karmic connections that repeatedly destroy each other. This rapport between them has happened in many past lives, except this one is much more famous because Depp’s curve led him to this.

To be honest, as for predictions of where things are headed, I refuse to go into details because of this situation’s toxicity, except for two things: Depp and Heard will get an immense amount of money and sex from this. It’s a part of their soul contracts. They both lose—and they both win.

What do you think? Post a comment.

Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured in “Access Hollywood,” E! Entertainment, NBC & ABC television, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Hulu, Bustle, Elite Daily, Marie Claire and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. For more information, visit KyleThomasAstrology.com.

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