

惡血獨角獸-伊莉莎白Elizabeth Anne Holmes






2016開始倒楣,入己巳大運, 2016丙申......2018戊戌被訴.....


Elizabeth Holmes & Sunny Balwani's Confusing Relationship, Explained


The mystery and scandal surrounding the story of Theranos and its CEO Elizabeth Holmes is a fascinating one, made all the more engrossing thanks to her secret relationship with the president of the company which was only revealed after the fact. Back in June 2018, the government charged Holmes and former boyfriend Ramesh “Sunny” Balwani with several crimes, meaning these now-former lovebirds are arguably going through one of the worst breakups, ever. Both pleaded guilty. But Holmes and Balwani hadn’t commented on their relationship publicly until deposition tapes were reported on by Nightline in January 2019, even though John Carreyrou confirmed as much in his exhaustive book on the subject, Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup. So how did it all begin and what do we know about the super-secretive duo? Let’s break it all down for you.

How & When Holmes & Balwani Got Together

Holmes and Balwani met, according to the latter’s divorce filings, in 2002, while on a trip to Bejing with Stanford. Balwani was at Berkeley for his MBA and Holmes was a senior in high school. They were 37 and 18, respectively, but didn’t start a romantic relationship until — some reporting suggests — Holmes dropped out of Stanford in March 2004. This is, interestingly enough, also the time she decided to go out and try and get seed money for Theranos. According to Bad Blood, they were living together by July 2005.

Balwani & Holmes Keep Their Romance Secret

Balwani and Holmes didn't tell investors about the relationship. Ever. Even though the duo shared a home, and had for some time. But it’s clear Balwani had some influence on Holmes, given his previous life as a dot-com billionaire. He made money quickly, off of sales of things he created, ultimately walking away from the company he founded (after it was sold) with $40 million right before the bubble burst.


When Did Their Relationship Become Professional?

But Balwani didn’t join Theranos until 2009. Once installed by Holmes, he quickly rose up the ranks from vice president to Chief Operating Officer, despite his lack of experience in biomedical engineering, medical technology, or biological sciences. (Balwani was a computer science undergrad with an MBA, hardly qualified for the gig, all things considered.) As the man in charge of the day-to-day operations, Balwani became known around the Theranos office for his demanding, angry demeanor. Video and audio of Balwani acting in such a way is heavily featured in the new documentary The Inventor: Out For Blood In Silicon Valley, headed to HBO on March 19th, directed by Alex Gibney.

In an interview with Business Insider, Carreyrou explained that during a phone call with a source, it became “very clear to me that they were running this thing as a partnership, and that Sunny was kind of the enforcer and Holmes' older boyfriend.” The source “painted the portrait of this fraud being run by a couple." Other reports claim board member Henry Kissinger even tried to set Holmes up on dates, but she evaded him and actively lied to the rest of the board about her relationship status, and her ties to Balwani himself.

So How Did Holmes & Balwani End?

Not well, and in a flurry. As heat was beginning to rise up around Theranos in 2016 — thanks to the whistleblowers and Carreyrou’s reporting — Holmes got rid of Balwani from both her personal and professional life. In April/May of 2016, Balwani announced he was retiring: sources inside the company, however, say that he was fired. Other lines of reporting from ABC News seem to back this up: when Holmes decided things were too much, she cleaned house. Unfortunately few things kill the flames of love faster than being investigated by the FDA, FBI, and CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services).

Following his Theranos departure in 2016, things didn’t get easier for Balwani. He was banned from owning or operating a blood laboratory by the CMS following an inspection of Theranos’ Newark, California, laboratory in March 2016. In March 2018, the Securities and Exchange Commission filed four claims against him for violating the U.S. Securities Act when he lied to and purposefully misled investors and the public in order to secure additional funding. And finally, in June 2018, a federal grand jury indicted Holmes and Balwani on nine counts of wire fraud and two counts of conspiracy to commit wire fraud for knowingly distributing blood tests with falsified results. Still, Balwani claims he never made any money off of his time at Theranos, so he shouldn’t be considered responsible.

Needless to say: it doesn’t feel like these two will ever get back together.

霍姆斯Real-Time Cures公司宗旨是「醫療保健的民主化」...在2004年4月成立了公司,公司名稱是Theranos....霍姆斯在2004年12月為Theranos找到了六百萬美元的投資資金...2010年底時,Theranos獲得的創投資金已超過$9200萬美元...2016年起,新聞媒體和監管機構開始質疑Theranos宣稱內容的真實性....2018年時美國證券交易委員會.提出訴訟,霍姆斯為此事付了五十萬美金的罰金、交還其股份、放棄對Theranos的投票控制權.......2018年6月時聯邦大陪審團起訴......此案件仍在美國加利福尼亞北區聯邦地區法院審理中,霍姆斯和Balwani表示沒有犯罪

伊莉莎白·安妮·霍姆斯(Elizabeth Anne Holmes;1984年2月3日-),血液檢測公司Theranos的創始人[2],此公司位於美國加利福尼亞州帕羅奧多,一度是生物科技行業的獨角獸公司,因為聲稱提出創新的,只需少量血液即可進行的血液檢查而聞名,已經解散[3][4][5]。2015年時,《富比士》因為公司估值90億美元,將霍姆斯評選為全球最年輕、白手起家的女性億萬富翁[6],她也曾被《時代雜誌》提名為「2015年前100名最有影響力人物」[7]。次年富比士將她的資產估值「從45億美元更新為一文不值」[8]。而《財富雜誌》將霍姆斯稱作為「世上最讓人失望的領導者」[9]

2016年起,新聞媒體和監管機構開始質疑Theranos宣稱內容的真實性,並且懷疑霍姆斯有意誤導投資者以及政府有關其驗血技術的資訊,此時Theranos就開始走下坡。2018年時美國證券交易委員會對Theranos和霍姆斯利用誇大或虛假的聲稱欺騙消費者,進行「大規模詐騙」提出訴訟,後來霍姆斯為此事付了五十萬美金的罰金、交還其股份、放棄對Theranos的投票控制權、並且十年內禁止擔任上市公司的高級職員或董事。2018年6月時聯邦大陪審團起訴霍姆斯及Theranos前營運長Ramesh Balwani九項電匯詐騙罪以及二項串謀電匯詐騙罪[10][11]


霍姆斯出生於華盛頓哥倫比亞特區[12],她的父親克里斯丁·拉斯穆斯·福爾摩斯四世(Christian Rasmus Holmes IV)曾經擔任安隆公司的副總裁,之後在美國國際開發署美國國家環境保護局美國貿易署擔任行政職位[13][14][15][16]。霍姆斯的母親諾埃爾·安妮·道斯特(Noel Anne 

Daoust)是美國國會職員[17]。她的曾祖父克里斯丁·拉斯穆斯·福爾摩斯(Christian Rasmus Holmes)是丹麥裔的醫生,和富家千金貝蒂·弗萊施曼(Bettie Fleischmann)結婚,貝蒂的父親是Fleischmann's Yeast的創辦人查理·路易斯·弗萊施曼[18]

霍姆斯就讀休斯頓的聖約翰學校[12],在高中時對電腦程式有興趣[19]。霍姆斯在2001年申請史丹佛大學,就讀化工系,在實驗室中和數位博士研究生以及工程學院院長錢寧·羅伯遜(Channing Robertson)一起工作[17]


霍姆斯在加州的帕羅奧圖成立了Real-Time Cures公司,宗旨是「醫療保健的民主化」[15][19][19][22][23]。霍姆斯提到她的針頭恐懼症是她成立Theranos的動力之一[15][16]。霍姆斯最早向她在史丹佛大學的幾位教授(其中包括Phyllis Gardner)提出「從指尖的幾滴血中搜集大量數據」時,大部份的人認為「幾乎不可能作到這點,不會有實質成效」,不過霍姆斯成功地讓工程學院院長錢寧·羅伯遜支持她的想法[24]

獲得資金及擴張Theranos在其破產之前,曾經有一段驚人的成長。霍姆斯在2004年12月為Theranos找到了六百萬美元的投資資金[17][26]。在2010年底時,Theranos獲得的創投資金已超過$9200萬美元[20],霍姆斯在2011年7月和前國務卿喬治·普拉特·舒茲見面,在二小時的會議後,舒茲加入霍姆斯的董事會[27],接下來的三年內,大家認為她「組織了美國企業史上最傑出的董事會」霍姆斯是用隱形模式經營此公司,沒有新聞,也沒有網站,一直到2013年9月,公司才宣佈和沃爾格林合作,要建立在店內的血液樣品採集中心[29][30]。霍姆斯在2014年登上《財富》雜誌、《富比士》雜誌、《T: The New York Times Style Magazine》雜誌及《Inc.》雜誌,因此受到媒體的關注[31]。《富比士》雜誌認為霍姆斯是最年輕,自力致富的女性百萬富翁,在2014年的富比士美國400富豪榜中排名110名。Theranos評估值90億美元,而創投資金已超過$4億美元[17][32]。在2014年底時,霍姆斯的名字出現在18個美國專利以及66個外國專利中[21]。2015年時,霍姆斯和克里夫蘭診所、Capital BlueCross及AmeriHealth Caritas簽署協議,允許他們使用Theranos的技術[20]

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