




















 Federal investigators believe the fraud in the investment management division and advisory division may have begun in the 1970s.[25] However, Madoff himself stated his fraudulent activities began in the 1990s.[26]


伯納·勞倫斯·馬多夫Bernard Lawrence Madoff,1938年4月29日-2021年4月14日),是美國金融界經紀,前納斯達克主席,後開了自己的對沖基金——馬多夫對沖避險基金,作為投資騙局的上市公司





ernard Madoff lived in Roslyn, New York, in a ranch house through the 1970s. After 1980, he owned an ocean-front residence in Montauk.[164] His primary residence was on Manhattan's Upper East Side,[165] and he was listed as chairman of the building's co-op board.[166] He also owned a home in France and a mansion in Palm Beach, Florida, where he was a member of the Palm Beach Country Club.[167] Madoff owned a 55-foot (17 m) sportfishing yacht named Bull.[166][168] All three of his homes were auctioned by the U.S. Marshals Service in September 2009.[169][170]

Sheryl Weinstein, former chief financial officer of Hadassah, disclosed in a memoir that she and Madoff had had an affair more than 20 years earlier. As of 1997, when Weinstein left, Hadassah had invested a total of $40 million with Bernie Madoff. By the end of 2008, Hadassah had withdrawn more than $130 million from its Madoff accounts and contends its accounts were valued at $90 million at the time of Madoff's arrest. At the victim impact sentencing hearing, Weinstein testified, calling him a "beast".[171][172]

Madoff was born on April 29, 1938, in Queens, New York, the son of Sylvia (Muntner) and Ralph Madoff, who was a plumber and stockbroker.[25][26][27][28] His family was Jewish. Madoff's grandparents were emigrants from Poland, Romania, and Austria.[29]...

In the 1980s, Madoff's market-maker division traded up to 5% of the total volume made on the New York Stock Exchange.[19] Madoff was "the first prominent practitioner"[27] of payment for order flow, paying brokers to execute their clients' orders through his brokerage, a practice some have called a "legal kickback".[28] This practice gave Madoff the distinction of being the largest dealer in NYSE-listed stocks in the U.S., trading about 15% of transaction volume.[29] Academics have questioned the ethics of these payments.[30][31] Madoff has argued that these payments did not alter the price that the customer received.[32] He viewed payments for order flow as a normal business practice: "If your girlfriend goes to buy stockings at a supermarket, the racks that display those stockings are usually paid for by the company that manufactured the stockings. Order flow is an issue that attracted a lot of attention but is grossly overrated."[32]

The firm started in 1960 as a penny stock trader with $5,000 (equivalent to $43,000 in 2019[38]) that Madoff earned from working as a lifeguard and sprinkler installer.[39] He further secured a loan of $50,000 from his father-in-law which he also used to set up the firm. His business grew with the assistance of his father-in-law, accountant Saul Alpern, who referred a circle of friends and their families.Initially, the firm made markets (quoted bid and ask prices) via the National Quotation Bureau's Pink Sheets. In order to compete with firms that were members of the New York Stock Exchange trading on the stock exchange's floor, his firm began using innovative computer information technology to disseminate its quotes.[41] After a trial run, the technology that the firm helped to develop became the NASDAQ.[42] After 41 years as a sole proprietorship, the Madoff firm incorporated in 2001 as a limited liability company with Madoff as the sole shareholder.[43]

The firm functioned as a third-market provider, bypassing exchange specialist firms by directly executing orders over the counter from retail brokers.[8] At one point, Madoff Securities was the largest market maker at the NASDAQ, and in 2008 was the sixth-largest market maker on Wall Street.[41] The firm also had an investment management and advisory division, which it did not publicize, that was the focus of the fraud investigation.[44]

Madoff's name first came up in a fraud investigation in 1992, when two people complained to the SEC about investments they made with Avellino & Bienes, the successor to his father-in-law's accounting practice. For years, Alpern and two of his colleagues, Frank Avellino and Michael Bienes, had raised money for Madoff, a practice that continued after Avellino and Bienes took over the firm in the 1970s.[60] Avellino returned the money to investors and the SEC closed the case.[61] In 2004, Genevievette Walker-Lightfoot, a lawyer in the SEC's Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (OCIE), informed her supervisor branch chief Mark Donohue that her review of Madoff found numerous inconsistencies, and recommended further questioning. However, she was told by Donohue and his boss Eric Swanson to stop work on the Madoff investigation, send them her work results, and instead investigate the mutual fund industry. Swanson, Assistant Director of the SEC's OCIE,[62] had met Shana Madoff in 2003 while investigating her uncle Bernie Madoff and his firm. The investigation was concluded in 2005.

Madoff said he could have been caught in 2003, but that bumbling investigators had acted like "Lt. Colombo" and never asked the right questions...

Madoff met Ruth Alpern while attending Far Rockaway High School. The two eventually began dating. Ruth graduated from high school in 1958, and earned her bachelor's degree at Queens College.[146][147] On November 28, 1959, Madoff married Alpern.[31][148] She was employed at the stock market[clarification needed] in Manhattan before[149] working in Madoff's firm, and she founded the Madoff Charitable Foundation.[150] Bernard and Ruth Madoff had two sons: Mark (March 11, 1964 – December 11, 2010),[151] a 1986 graduate of the University of Michigan, and Andrew (April 8, 1966 – September 3, 2014),[152][153] a 1988 graduate of University of Pennsylvania's Wharton Business School.[154][155] Both sons later worked in the trading section alongside paternal cousin Charles Weiner.[41][156]

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